Things Take Time

Howdy !!! And Welcome. 
(> ‿◠)

My Blog is brand new, and just started  up at.  August 22nd  2014.

My name is Lisbeth, many just call me Lis .. I'm making this blog for several reasons..  First of all, to raise awareness of this disease, but I also make it for myself, as I think it will be good for me to write (and ponder) about all my thoughts, experiences and feelings.

I have this rare disease called Addison's disease + I also suffer from nerve damage in my face.

I have a very strained body (physically, I got streght for ‘nothing’), but I also have a very strong mentality and I refuse to give up.
Therefore this blog, hoping I can let my fighting spirit infect you who is reading this, just a bit and with a little hope to reach out to people and help to change the perception of diseases that are rare, and those that are invisible and can’t be seen.

By telling my story, I hope to be able to touch a heart or two and maybe even be so lucky to get to restart a brain cell or two out there in on the internet * laughs ...
I hope for feedback, both positive and I also welcome the negative and not so positive feedback. We can all learn from each other.

All my blogs will be posted in Danish (as I am Danish, but they will also be posted and translated into English. Because English will reach a larger reading audience, and since Addison is so rare, I need to reach out international and not just in Denmark, (in Denmark we are very few, I think we are 200-250 with Addison)

It is also posted on English as many of my friends and acquaintances do not speak Danish, so everything will be translated. But my original blogs will be Danish
I am a ‘little’ slow to get started with this blog and I hope you forgive me . At the moment I sleep unimaginably much, but I also get a lot of pain killers such. Morphine etc .. So please have a bit of patience with me ..

I have a wonderful life. I have a great husband, a wonderful son and some very loving, helpful parents and a few very good close friends. Unfortunately I do not let many people into my life, as I simply cannot contain it. At the moment, all I can accommodate is my husband and my son and nobody else.
My only problem with life is that I have been sick. ~ twice even.

The first time was in 1996 when a tooth extraction went wrong, and gave me nerve damage in my face as well as a crooked painful jaw. I ended up being retired due to my face issues. I got retired before I turned 30 yrs old, due to a tooth (sounds so wrong, doesn’t it?)

Second time I got sick started at Christmas 2008 where I nearly lost the battle for life. I was extremely sick the whole Christmas and fought a battle against myself. I kept laying down, just for a moment to lie down and relax for a short minute. But the reality was that I didnt ‘just’ lay down and rest, I actually went in and out of consciousness several times and was diagnosed with Addison which is a very rare disorder where the adrenal glands are no longer working, my body had simply attacked my adrenals and destroyed them .. It is a disease some people live well with, but unfortunately I have a lot of problems with it, but we try every day to make *me* a little better, to learn more, to explain more.
The more knowledge, the better we can handle it..

Latest news (which I also probably am blogging about) is that I am going to get a Addison dog.

It will be the first of its kind, here in Denmark.

At the moment we are still searching for the dog, and when its found then it is going to live here with us while it is getting trained. The dog will be trained and used for scent marking, i.e. it will learn to smell when my Hydrocortison level is falling and will be able to stop me before my blood pressure drops and I end up in Addison crisis / coma. The dog will be by my side 24/7 no matter if I go to the hospital to take blood samples, or be visiting mother in law.

But first it must be found, and then it must be trained, and then it will have to undergo tests to be qualified / certified as a Service / Social dog. So there is hope for the future.

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